Entries by Tamás Kövesdy

The Return on Investment of Employee Assistance Programs

According to workplace stress researches, every second Hungarian employee regularly experiences workplace stress. More than ⅓ of workers say their work has a bad effect on their health, 28% of them can also associate their existing health problem with their work. Most of them think they can deal with stress on their own. The problem […]

Help! We can help you to help!

Based on our experience of the past year’s many thousand client interactions leaders seem to have not only the permanent challenge to maintain the preconditions and atmosphere of good cooperation.   Besides additional major difficulties arise in the personal life of their colleagues due to overload of tension and emotional burdens, which make impact on work […]

Our hidden troubles

After 2020 the new 2021 year has confronted us with new additional turnarounds. The pandemia, the economic uncertainties, obligatory home office and the encumbered workplace social support has affected most of our partners. These problems added on top of those ones, which employees have wrestled before and during the pandemia. These have made it even […]